Attention space rockers! Announcement from BANDCAMP blurb: “Long and psychedelic tracks pulsating through space trying to follow the ISS…travel through your inner cosmos.”
Four long tracks by ELON MUSK, ELECTRIC MOON, KUNGENS MAN and KANAAN. It’s selling well, but can still be listened to on Bandcamp and downloaded. LP and CD represses may appear soon. It’s hypnotic and repetitive, atmospheric and ideal for listening to in the dark late at night, one track at a time. My own suggested starting point is ELECTRIC MOON simply because it’s in two parts, the second – after the gongs- giving the rather pleasant feeling of floating. Of the others it tends to be guitar based with plenty of synths and some frenetic drumming.
I see this is Volume 1 so there will be more to come, I hope. It is released on WORST BASSIST RECORDS.