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Benedict Jackson

One-man musician and historian Tim Hunter’s latest concept album concerns four significant figures in the history of York: firstly, leading Renaissance thinker, ‘Alcuin of York’, who, in the song, preaches the need to “drink the old wine of ancient learning” and let “eternal light shine into our hearts, eternal power scatter the darkness and ignorance”, and to recognise that the body will perish but the soul shall remain: a nice thought expressed elegantly.

The mood necessarily changes to a darker one for ‘Bloodaxe: The Last of the Viking Kings’ (during Anglo-Saxon times), while ‘Constantine’, depicted on the accompanying, was the Roman Emperor who converted to Christianity. The final song, ‘Guido (Gunpowder Speaks Louder Than Words)’ speaks for itself about the Gunpowder Plot that went wrong.

So, we have the opportunity to learn about York history, and to listen to some nice sounds, with synths more prominent than Tim’s trademark guitar as befits the ambience, supported by some background singers. A digital download is available through Northern Soundscapes on Bandcamp.


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