Following previous editions of STAND UP and AQUALUNG, coming up on 1st September is a 40th anniversary of the underrated (by some) BROADSWORD AND THE BEAST album in 5 x CD and 3 x DVD ‘Monster’ edition; also a 3 x LP vinyl set including the Maison Rouge demos. Expect to pay between £60- £150 depending on which combination you are going for. It includes demos, rough mixes, sessions, live and, once again the indefatigable STEVEN WILSON is involved (Does he sleep?)
According to the JETHRO TULL (.com) website there is also a pre-order of ‘A’ (the album) À La Mode. I also came across a strange survey of best of the 23 (or is it 24?) albums released so far and BROADSWORD AND THE BEAST and TIME WAS were nowhere near the top 10 – really?! THICK AS A BRICK came first; SONGS FROM THE WOOD came second.